Earning From Home: The Top 3 Easiest Ways to Make Passive Income Online

 The Top 3 Easiest Ways to Make Passive Income Online

I lost my father at 2016, when I was 16. Since then, I have always worked to support my mother and 3 siblings. I grew up, graduated from collage and got married. 

We got support neither from his family nor my own family. We were living Turkiye (Turkey) at that time. We went into debt to get married and move to Japan (My mother is Japanese, father is Turkish. We decided to move because the living conditions in Japan are better than Turkiye). 

Our debt was too much and my husband's salary was not enough for us. So I started looking for a side hustle. After much research, I found this Legendary Marketer 15 Days Challenge that I talk about in other article (Click here to read now).

Although I was very skeptical at first, I decided to give it a chance. The price was very cheap compared to other online courses and the returns were very good.

I glad started this course. My quality of life has improved. We paid off our debts and we can even save money!!

I used to work for long long times but not, I only working 2-3 hours a day and I work from anywhere I want. We've already booked a summer vacation.

The internet has created several opportunities for people to make money online, many of which entail passive income generation.

I am now earning more than I was before, and I am convinced that if I can do it, you can as well.

I'm on a mission to help people who want to make some extra money; believe me, it's not that difficult. As a result, I'm dedicating today's post to all the stay-at-home people who want to do something but can't for various reasons.

First of all, what exactly is passive income?

Passive income is money earned without work for it on a regular basis. In other words, it's money that keeps coming in even while you're not actively working.

Online passive income can be a great way for people who stay at home to generate extra money without having to leave the house. And, because to the internet's development, it's now easier than ever to make passive income online.


Start a Blog or Website

Starting a blog or website about a topic about which you have knowledge can be a fun and rewarding method to create passive income.

There is an audience for almost every niche, whether it be travel, fashion, or food.

Now we'll look at how you can get started with blogging for free;

Step 1: Choose a blogging platform:

WordPress, Blogger, Medium, and Wix are examples of free blogging platforms. Each platform has its unique set of features, so choose the one that best matches your needs.

Step 2: Choose a domain name:

Because your domain name is the URL for your website or blog, it should be memorable and catchy.

Step 3 — Customize your blog:

It's time to personalize your blog now that you've picked on a platform and a domain name. Choose a theme or design that expresses the personality of your organization or yourself.

Step 4: Start creating content:

Now that your blog is up and running, it's time to start producing material. Topics that interest you and your audience should be written about.


Create and Sell Digital Products

Are you a creative person? Make use of your expertise to create digital items such as eBooks, courses, or templates to sell online.

Creating and selling digital things online is becoming a more common way to generate passive income.

How to create a digital product?

My method for creating a digital product is as follows;

  1. Choose a topic: Choose a topic about which you are knowledgeable and passionate. This will make creating content easier and more interesting to potential buyers.
  2. Research your market: Research your market to learn what potential customers are interested in and what they are willing to pay for.
  3. Choose a format: Choose a format for your digital product. This might be in the form of an ebook, a course, printables, or digital art.
  4. Create your product: Create your digital product with Canva, Adobe Creative Suite, or Microsoft Word. 
Once you have created your digital product, the next step should be to find out ways to sell your product and earn from it.

Here are a few simple methods:

  1. Use a marketplace: To sell your digital products, use a marketplace such as Etsy, Amazon, or Gumroad. These platforms offer a pre-existing consumer base as well as a secure payment system.
  2. Sell on your website: Create a website where you may sell your digital stuff. Create a professional-looking website that promotes your products using platforms like WordPress, Shopify, or Wix.
  3. Use social media: To promote your products, use social media platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter. This can be an excellent approach to contact a huge number of people for free.


Rent out your space in Airbnb

Renting out a spare room or an empty apartment on Airbnb can turn it into a source of passive income. Airbnb is a well-known platform where property owners may rent out their space to tourists from all over the world. I'll briefly go over how to join up with Airbnb, establish a price, and market your unit to potential tenants.

First Part — Registering on Airbnb — This is pretty easy!

  • Create an account
  • List your space
  • Set your availability
  • Set your price

Second Part— Choosing a Price Point

  • Research the market
  • Consider your location
  • Set a competitive price

Third Part — Selling Your Space

  • Provide a detailed description
  • Use high-quality photos
  • Offer competitive pricing
  • Respond promptly to inquiries

Generating passive income is not tough, but remember action> everything.

It is possible that none of the three methods will work for you, but even if one does, you will have a starting point, which is all that is required in the end.

(***affiliate link disclaimer*** This article contains affiliate links to products that you may find useful. If you click on these links and you decide to purchase any of the products, I will make a commission for the sale of that product.)


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